How’s that for a click-bait title? Now to set the record straight I didn’t get air time with Apple’s CEO but I did get something even better… a few minutes with a Tim Cook who’s resume is equally as impressive when talking about application deployment automation. We’re talking time spent at some shops with serious tech… Google (home of K8s) and NASA (OpenStack anyone?) just to name a couple.
We’ve built out several new sales territories in the last few months as customer demand continues to increase. Tim is one of our newest solution architects and is working with some major accounts on the west coast. I went on a couple of sales calls with Tim and after seeing customers relate to his story knew I had to share it here.
One of the things customers appreciate most about Tim is that much like the famous line from Sy Sperling, he’s also a client. After spending 20+ years knee deep in automation and related scripting technologies he found himself on the hook to automate multi-cloud app deployments for a large sync-share operation. The unicorn he has been chasing this whole time has been to automate himself out of a job and get to true push-button deploys in complex multi-cloud implementations. Once he found his unicorn, what better next step then to join them.
Take a look at the interview and I think you’ll get a sense of the passion that a skeptic turned believer can bring to the cause.
The team continues to expand and we're always on the lookout for Cloud and DevOps talent for sales, solution architecture, and professional service delivery. If you've got the right stuff take a look at the careers page or just drop us a note and resume via the contact us form.