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Morpheus Technical FAQ


Morpheus Technical FAQ

What databases are currently supported?

The following is a list of the currently supported databases:

  • Redis-2.8.13
  • Elasticsearch-1.2.2
  • MongoDB-2.6.3
  • MySQL-5.6.19

What security measures does Morpheus take to protect instances?

Each instance has its own firewall.

How does scaling actually work?

To add more storage, set your notification level by clicking your instance’s Settings and choosing a notification storage limit. 

When this threshold is reached, we send an email letting you know the storage capacity that remains. When you receive the email, you can reduce your storage needs or go to the Dashboard’s Instance page and add an instance.


Future plans will allow in-place upgrades to larger plans.

How often are Morpheus instances backed-up?

At this time, only Redis and MySQL are backed up, one per day for four days. Backups are taken just after midnight, Pacific Standard Time. 

How do I access these backup?

From the dashboard select your Redis or MySQL instance. Click Backups

Click the download iconto download this version to your hard-drive or click the restore iconto make this backup, the current cloud version. 

Can I change the frequency of the backups?

No. At this time there are no configurations for backups. However, it’s easy to connect your Morpheus DB with a comprehensive cloud backup service such as BitCan available at http://gobitcan.com/

Can I check my logs? 

Yes. From the Morpheus dashboard, select the database type then from the Instances page, select the instance. Click on Logs to display log messages. 

This is useful for those wanting a quick overview of your instance’s connections and activities. If you want more finely-tuned log experience, integrate the Morpheus-created instance with a log manager such as Oohlalog available at http://www.oohlalog.com/

Can I check the status of my instances?

Yes. Use the Check Status button on your Instance page. 

Servers are listed by IP address. If a server is not running, you can send a restart signal from here. 


Can I access the live replicas created?  

Yes and no, it depends on the type of instance. 

In the case of MongoDB, you cannot directly connect to the three replicated data nodes.  If any one of them fail, the others continue to operate in its place.


MySQL has two replicas. You can connect to either running instance. To connect, view both IP addresses on the check status screen. Failover needs to be handled from the driver in the application. Check the MySQL documentation at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/ for information about how to do this.


For Elasticsearch, you can connect to either of two clustered nodes, viewable from the check status screen.  Failover is automatic if you are using the standard Elasticsearch node transport to connect from an application. Elasticsearch connects in two ways, HTTP or by using a node client.

HTTP—everything, such as searches, are done using standard URLs.  The downside is an URL can only connect to one address at a time as the node transport essentially runs a cluster proxy inside your application.  All you need to do is connect to your application, which knows the health of cluster and will load-balance route your search to any available node in the cluster.


See http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-search.html for information about straight HTTP.


Node Client— Instantiating a node based client is the simplest way to get a client that can execute operations against elasticsearch.See http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/java-api/current/client.html for more information about ES node client.

With Redis, you can connect to either your master or slave. Currently, failover needs to be handled from the application, or you can provide your own Redis sentinel service.  In the future, we plan to as Redis Sentinel to our standard Redis offering.

Why use Morpheus when there’s Amazon Web Services?

Simply put, to get the same high-performance database instance that Morpheus spins up in minutes would cost a lot of time, money effort and expertise. Morpheus lets you manage all your databases using a simple dashboard leaving our experts to handle the scaling/descaling, load balancing, disaster recovery, and security knob-twisting. Another benefit is that Morpheus-created instances are easy to integrate with many third-party add-ons like log management and more finely-tuned backups.

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