NoSQL Will Protect You From The Onslaught of Data Overload
TL;DR: As the amount of unstructured data being collected by organizations skyrockets, their existing databases come up short: they're too slow, too inflexible, and too expensive. What's needed is a...
View ArticleHow Is Google Analytics So Damn Fast
TL; DR: Google Analytics stores a massive amount of statistical data from web sites across the globe. Retrieving reports quickly from such a large amount of data requires Google to use a custom...
View ArticleSlowly But Surely, The Dept. of Defense Plods Towards The Modern Day
TL; DR: The Department of Defense's slow, steady migration to public and private cloud architectures may be hastened by pressures at opposite ends of the spectrum. At one end are programs such as the...
View ArticleThe Key to Distributed Database Performance: Scalability
TL;DR: The realities of modern corporate networks make the move to distributed database architectures inevitable. How do you leverage the stability and security of traditional relational database...
View ArticleContain(er) Yourself: Separating Docker Hype from the Tech's Reality
TL;DR: Even jaded IT veterans are sitting up and taking notice of the potential benefits of Docker's microservice model of app development, deployment, and maintenance. By containerizing the entire...
View ArticleCould Database as a Service Be What Saves Microsoft's Bacon?
TL;DR: Among the Big Name software companies, Microsoft appears to be making the smoothest transition to a cloud-centric data universe. The early reviews of the company's Azure DocumentDB...
View ArticleMorpheus Technical FAQ
Morpheus Technical FAQWhat databases are currently supported?The following is a list of the currently supported databases:Redis-2.8.13Elasticsearch-1.2.2MongoDB-2.6.3MySQL-5.6.19What security measures...
View ArticleThe New Reality: Microservices Apply the Internet Model to App Development
TL;DR: As software becomes the force driving industries of all types and sizes, the nature of app development and management is changing fundamentally. Gone are the days of centralized control via...
View ArticleThe Technical Details of the JP Morgan Data Breach
In yet another data breach, JP Morgan lost gigabytes of customer data, including some account information. Find out the technical details of the attack that allowed it to be successful.TL;DR: JP Morgan...
View ArticleHow to Keep Coders Happy - Keep Them Learning, and Leave Them Alone
Things move so quickly in the coder-sphere that to keep up you have to give developers what they need and then stand back.TL;DR: Development cycles continue to shrink. Companies have to adapt their...
View ArticleHow eBay Solves the Database Scaling Problem with MongoDB
When you have a vast amount of data, scaling your database can be very difficult. See how eBay solved the potential problems involved in providing users with search suggestions by using MongoDB.TL;DR:...
View ArticleHow to Handle Huge Database Tables
Design your huge database tables to ensure they can handle queries without slowing the database's performance to a crawl.TL;DR: Get a jump on query optimization in your databases by designing tables...
View ArticleMerge Databases with Different Schema and Duplicate Entries
Removing duplicate entries from merged database tables can be anything but routine -- and the source of performance woes.TL;DR: Combining tables frequently results in duplicate entries that can be...
View ArticleContainer-based Development Separating Hype from Substance
Big-name development-tool vendors are rushing to support the container model for efficient, VM-based app creation.TL;DR: Google, Microsoft, and other software giants have taken aim at the burgeoning...
View ArticleHow (And Why) Make Read-only Versions of Your SQL and MySQL Databases
TL;DR: Just a little bit of pre-lock planning ensures that a SQL or MySQL database you convert to read-only status performs as expected and is accessible by the right group of users. Doing so also...
View ArticleMorpheus Lessons: Best Practices for Upgrading MySQL
TL;DR: Thinking about upgrading your MySQL database? When performing an upgrade, there are some factors you need to consider and some best practices that can be followed to help ensure the process goes...
View ArticlePassword Encryption: Keeping Hackers from Obtaining Passwords in Your Database
TL;DR: When dealing with a user password, you want to be very careful in how this information is saved. Passwords stored in plain text within your database are a serious security risk both to you and...
View ArticleQuick and Simple Ways to Migrate Password Hashes Without Bugging Users
TL;DR: In the past, it was standard practice to require that users follow a link in an email to migrate their password to a new system. Now administrators are hesitant to take up any more of their...
View ArticleThe Importance of Schema Design in 'Schema-less' MongoDB
TL;DR: A common misconception about the document-based MongoDB NoSQL database is that it requires no schema at all. In fact, the first step in designing in MongoDB is selecting a schema that matches...
View ArticleMaking Software Development Simpler: Look for Repeatable Results, Reusable...
TL;DR: Software is complex -- to design, develop, deliver, and maintain. Everybody knows that, right? New app-development approaches and fundamental changes to the way businesses of all types operate...
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